
As a sports medicine physician Dr. Locknane wants to help individuals Move With Life by offering sound medical advice and diagnosis to help you return to an active and injury free life.

As a proceduralist Dr. Locknane offers a comfortable and convenient location for individuals and families to seek newborn circumcision and vasectomy.

Dr. Locknane takes appointments throughout the week to consult, diagnose and treat patients. He also refers patients to physical therapists, specialists and surgeons when necessary. He is able to prescribe appropriate medicine to patients seen in clinic.

If you would like to make an appointment with Dr. Locknane please call 425.368.4242.

Until your clinical visit please use the resources located on our site to educate yourself about treating and preventing injuries among other topics related to sports medicine, circumcision and vasectomy.

© Copyright 2005-2010 Locknane Athletic Medicine LLC
